
Fast Woman and Boating

From: Walt Pepple, San Diego, CA
Source: Boating Magazine

At 14:00 hours on Tuesday afternoon I received a call from my wife:"Honey, someone tried to steal Joint Endeavor." What happened was that she was parking her car in the marina lot, someone heaved a line from Joint Endeavor's cockpit to the dock. She assumed it was dockhands moving the boat, until she realized she didn't recognize the men. Then they hopped on plane waaaay too close to the dock. So what did my 5'4" 100-pound wife do? She jumped in our dinghy and set out in hot pursuit, all the while scanning her blackberry for harbor patrol's number. She got through, and the brazen theves were escorted to the hoosegow.

Moral of the story: Buy a security system.
The other moral: Marry a woman crazy enough to chase down fleeing felons

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